Within the African American community there has been a dialogue for longer than I've been living about hair. I wasn't born with "good hair". What is good hair? It's of course a subjective determination but in my neighborhood and school it was straight hair. Before you render judgment however, please do some research on hot combs. In the struggle to emulate the larger segment of society, brown people have set metal combs on open flames and run these through the course hair of our birth granting us for some limited period of time the long flowing locks that we saw on magazine covers and in movies. Today of course there is a laboratory of chemical means to the same ends but I've seen what happens however when the comb accidentally turns into a branding iron. Swirly kids can have all sorts of hair, from the dusty brown kinky my little brother was born with, to the thin straight hair my youngest daughter has or the frizz factory that her older sister deals with daily. I never use the term good or bad when it comes to hair. In my home we use descriptive terms to describe people. You will undoubtedly read many of them in the coming cartoons. In any event if a child knows her hair isn't straight, how would she describe it?
Episode One: Crooked Hair
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